
Ecology | Environment | Heritage

Planning and approvals

Legislative compliance for your project

Our team can help you navigate the Development Approval process including gaining environmental permits and meeting the relevant planning codes. We have excellent working relationships with local, state and commonwealth departments to ensure we give you the best advice for your project. This includes assisting you with:

  • Property Map of Assessable Vegetation (PMAV)
  • Vegetation Clearing Permit
  • Protected Flora Survey
  • Protected Plant Clearing Permit
  • Species Management Programs
  • Vegetation Protection Plans
  • Koala Management Plan
  • Fauna Management Plan
  • BioCondition Assessments
  • Environmental Authority
  • Environmentally Relevant Activity (ERA) permit
    • Extractive Industry
    • Sewage Treatment Plant
    • Water Quality Plant
  • Waterway Barrier Development Permit
  • Operational Works

We are experts in the following areas

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