
Ecology | Environment | Heritage

Waterway Barrier Approvals

Fish passage assessment for bridges and culverts

Redleaf is very experienced in fish biology and providing expert advice to incorporate ecological design elements for Fish Barrier Works under the Fisheries Act 1994. Our technical reports identify the potential fish species likely to inhabit the stream during flows and to comment on the instream habitats and likely movement of fish both upstream and downstream through the site.

Redleaf’s aquatic ecologists can help you in submitting a Development Application relating to fish passage assessment for the operational works in a waterway. Redleaf Principal Scientist, Dr Darren Fielder, is a suitably qualified person being an aquatic ecologist with many years of experience in assessing bridges, culverts, and other waterway barrier issues.

Darren has worked on many projects relating to suburban stream restoration works with an ecological design focus to retain instream fish habitats whilst also providing flood mitigation and erosion control benefits for the catchment. We can assist you to achieve the Fish Barrier Works requirements through a Development Application process and to provide instructive scientific advice on enhancing the instream environment for fish and other aquatic organisms.

A development application made to the department must include the following information:

  • DA form 1 including Template 4 – Waterway Barrier Works
  • Relevant plans as per the DA Forms guide
  • Response to the applicable State codes (State code 18) of SDAP
  • Assessment fee for the application pursuant to schedule 10, part 6 of the Planning Regulation.


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